The 免费黄色app has been endowed with several prizes and bestows these each year, along with a number of awards.
Every year the College also nominates a student of the year, which recognises the winner's college spirit, all-round qualities, approachability, role modelling and other attributes.
Awards are presented at the Valedictory Dinner for contributions to sport, the arts, community service and College life.
This prize is a gift of Mary Baxter and is awarded to encourage a woman who has demonstrated an enthusiasm and passion for engineering. Students must be at least in their third of study to be eligible.
This prize is named in memory of past student and first editor of the Fleur-de-Lys magazine, Captain Frances Samuel Carse, who was killed at Bullecourt during World War I. The prize is awarded for an essay on a topic of national or international importance.
The prize is awarded for a student project that aims to 'change the world in a week' through raising awareness of social issues, and/or changing behaviour in relation to such issues as sustainability, inclusiveness, discrimination, welfare or health and safety. It must have a minimal budget and be within the reach of the average citizen.
A gift from past students and tutors Lara and Saxon Nicholls, the prize is awarded annually to the student who has contribiuted most to visual arts in the College, whether through creating new works of art, leadership in artistic activities or other contributions to excellence in visual arts.
Established by Dr John Ritchie and Ms Catherine Nolan, the prize is awarded to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who is in second year or above and whose average mark improves most from the previous year.
To commemorate the 25th anniverary of the appointment of Dr Alexander Leeper as Warden, members of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys contributed a prize to be offered annually for a public speaking competition conducted by the Dialectic Society.
Established by a bequest from the estate of Dr Alexander Leeper, the prize is awarded to the author of the best 3000-word essay on a religious topic.
An endowment by Sir George Wigram Allen KCMG, past Speaker of the Parliament of New South Wales, and father-in-law of Dr Alexander Leeper, the prize is for an essay that is read in a competition conducted by the Dialectic Society.
Awarded to the student who achieves the highest average mark for a full course load over the year.
Awarded to the student or students who contribute most to the cultural life of the College.
Awarded to the student or students who have been a model citizens, and contributed most to the College in any area.
Awarded to the student or students who contribute most to society, both within the College and in the wider community, over the year.
Named after a resident medical student who died while in residence, the Rohan Humberstone Cup is awarded to the student who contributes most both academically and in the sporting arena during the year.
Awarded to the resident student who has contributed most to the College and excelled in all areas of College life during the year.
For an outstanding resident student leaving the College, who has excelled in many areas of College life whilst also achieving excellent academic results.
Named after past student and later Professor of Science, KC Westfold, the medal is awarded each August to the Senior Student of the College at a dinner in her or his honour.